Thursday 12 January 2012

Shooting Schedule

December 27th
On my first day of filming I decided to start of filming the narrative side to my music video. I knew the actress in my music video was always quite busy so I thought whilst we were all free I would film as much narrative as possible.  On this day I filmed various shots in several locations including the actress’ house and Beckton Alps, this scenes mainly consisted of the ‘couple’ showing their ‘good times’ together.  I filmed most the beginning of my music video on this day.
January 3rd
On this day I decided to film the performance side to my music video so I took my actor to Shadwell Basin. On this day it was very cold and my actor didn’t know all the lyrics to well so we didn’t film for too long and the footage that we produced wasn’t very good.
January 7th
On this day I decided to film more narrative and more performance. My actress pulled out last minute so I just filmed performance stuff with my actor. I wanted to go back to Beckton Alps to film again but the gate was locked, so I just filmed on Royal Victoria Bridge.
January 10th
On this day I rescheduled with my actress to film more narrative but last minute she called and cancelled.  So I filmed more performance at my house with my actor.
January 11th
My actress called me and told me she was free for a few hours if I still wanted to film, but my actor was preoccupied. So I filmed one scene with just her.  

Prop List

- Guitar 
- Wooden Chair
- Change of shirts and trouser for actor
- Change of skirt and tops for actress

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